Buy Top Quality Sweet Lemons

Do you know in which region of Iran sweet lemons are grown? Buy and sell sweet lemons at wholesale prices and high quality. In Iran, some areas are suitable for growing some agricultural products in terms of climate and climatic conditions. Lemongrass, which is a type of fruit in the citrus family, is grown in the provinces of Hormozgan, Fars, and some northern provinces and cities in Iran. Lemon has vitamin C properties. This rich fruit is offered in winter from Persian citrus orchards.

Buy Top Quality Sweet Lemons

What Is a Sweet Lemon Called?

What Is a Sweet Lemon Called? Persian sweet lemons are a good source of vitamin C, an important nutrient that strengthens the immune system, which can help fight inflammation and improve immunity. Adequate intake of vitamin C can help reduce the duration and severity of respiratory infections. You can also improve your immune system and minimize the consumption of poor-quality processed foods by adding foods rich in probiotics. Heart disease was the leading cause of death in many countries, with the use of this dried fruit having a significant impact and the dried fruit of sweet lemon being introduced as one of the most important nutritional benefits on heart health.

Due to the high amount of vitamin C in it, eating this sour fruit several times a week can protect your heart health and keep it strong. A study at Harvard University in Boston Diet found that each serving of fruits and vegetables was associated with a 4% reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease. Interestingly, green leafy vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C, such as lemons, were most effective. To seriously improve heart health; Include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet (including lemons). Having an active partner and lifestyle is also important. Lemon is rich in antioxidants and anti-cancer elements.

What Is the Sweetest Lemon Tree?

What Is the Sweetest Lemon Tree? Sweet lemon with the scientific name (Citrus limetta) is a small tree up to 4 meters high. The leaves are oval and 6-17 cm long. The flowers are white and small and the fruit is spherical. The skin of the fruit turns yellow when ripe. It is planted in the south of Iran in Fars, Kerman, Hormozgan, and the north of Iran in Gorgan, Mazandaran, and Gilan. The leaves in this plant are dense and irregular. The leaves fall gradually and the cover is covered. It grows in warm and somewhat humid areas. For planting indoors if suitable environmental conditions are suitable. It is better to plant your lemon tree in the southern part of the building in a place that is protected from cold winds.

This plant will grow well until the temperature does not fall below 10 degrees. If the temperature cools down, the shrub should be planted. Move to a protected place to avoid freezing. sweet lemons from Italy need a place with full sunlight. Compared to other citrus fruits, it is more resistant to frost and does not dry up to minus 6 degrees. In cold regions, it can be planted in pots and placed in a bright place away from frost before freezing. Needs moderate irrigation and usually deep watering every 7 to 10 days is sufficient. In the summer or when the fruits are growing, more irrigation is needed. At each irrigation, the soil around the trunk of the plant should be well moistened to a radius of at least 30 cm and a depth of 90 cm. The amount of water required depends on the soil texture, ie the lighter the soil texture, the faster the water penetrates the soil, the less water volume we need to reach a depth of 90 cm, and in the case of heavy soil, more water volume is needed.

Hot Sale of Sweet Lemons

Hot Sale of Sweet Lemons Similarly, another study showed that the ingredients in sweet lemon successfully inhibited the growth of various cancer cells. giant sweet lemons also contain compounds such as hesperidin and di limonene, both of which have anti-cancer properties. Lemon is one of the most important foods against cancer thanks to all these powerful properties. It has been and has been very effective in the development and progress of this product. Therefore, our company, which is active in the field of dried fruit exports, has been able to export this product to other countries at a good price, which you can refer to our site for more information about the dried fruit distributor.

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