Buy dried apricot fruit Types + Price

Buy dried apricot fruit Types + Price

In ancient times, due to the unavailability of modern facilities such as cold storages and refrigerators to store fruits such as apricots, people dried the fruits fresh for a long time so that at other times it could be used
One of these fruits is apricot, which is dried industrially and organically as well as in the sun
Dried fruits are a popular and high quality edible that is exported worldwide every year
In the past, these edibles were generally made to be able store and consume fruits that had short life
There are many fruits that can be dried and used
Apples, strawberries, pears, plums, cherries, apricots, etc

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Of all the dried fruits, apricots, plums and cherries are the most famous and popular
Dried fruits have more properties than fresh fruits and lose some
To answer the question of what is the difference between apricots and apricot leaf, you first need to know what each of these two is
Among the general public, dried apricot leaves are called dried apricot
But scientifically and accurately, apricots and apricots leaf are two types of summer apricot fruits that are harvested in the summer
The apricot is a little small and rounded
apricot leaf appearance is a bit longer than apricot, and its taste is generally sweet and juicy
Dried apricots are actually obtained by drying apricot fruits
dried Apricots  are one of the most popular and useful dried fruits, with many properties and benefits to the body due to their nutrients and vitamins
Dried apricot has a sweet taste, and among the characteristics of dried apricot, it strengthens the immune system, loses weight, treats anemia, increasing breastfeeds pregnant women, provides skin care, improves eyesight, treats constipation and digests
Prevent coughing, prevent bleeding, improve metabolism, body energy supply, etc

Dried apricots

Dried apricots are made from apricots
this product is native to China and are currently cultivated around the world, including Turkey, Uzbekistan, Italy, Algeria and Iran
This kind of edible has a lot of fans in both fruits and dried fruits
The energy of this fruit and the vitamins and minerals it contains make this dried fruit an excellent alternative to apricot fruit, which is easy to transport
In the drying method, after removing the grain of the fruit, the apricot is properly dried without spoiling the appearance
Apricot is a uniquely colored summer fruit
Apricot characteristics include vasodilation and blood purification
Apricot contains vitamins A, C, K, iron, and calcium
It enhances eyesight and prevents osteoporosis

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Apricot has a cool property and relieves heat in the body
Apricots are appetizing and the fibers in them help digest food and strengthen the digestive system
Apricot juice has the property of increasing appetite and gaining weight
And get rid of bad breath
This fruit is anti-cancer and provides some water to the body in the summer
It can also treat anemia and constipation
Apricot kernel antioxidants prevent a variety of cancers, especially gastrointestinal cancer, and are involved in the growth and repair of cells in the body
Apricot is a sweet fruit which has cold and moist nature, found in Egypt, Armenia, and Iran
Once upon a time, apricots were sun-dried to keep them keep it in the colder months and were called “Kaisi”
dried apricot is one of the dried fruits that has many advantages
Today, dried apricot is one of main part of nuts
Apricot is an important source of nutrition and is widely used among people and even in the field of traditional medicine due to its various properties
This fruit can be made into apricot leaves or dried apricots in various forms, among jams, fruit juices, pickles
Dry apricots can also be cooked at home, on the stove, or in the sun, using a fruit dryer or similar
If you want your dry apricots to be sweet and tasty, you can use this trick
Carefully wash the apricot first and then halve it
Pour enough water into the saucepan
Add as much sugar as you want to sweeten
The apricot itself is sweet, so be careful not to add too much sugar

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When the water boils, pour apricots into a pan and bring to a boil over low heat for 11 minutes
Finally drain
Turkey is the largest producer of apricots, with a production of over 833,000 tons, making it the number one producer of the top
According to this, Uzbekistan is second 592,000 tons after Turkey
According to FAO reports, Algeria is 187,000 tons, Italy is 173,000 tons, Afghanistan is 131,000 tons, Spain is 128,000 tons, Greece is 125,000 tons, Pakistan is 97,000 tons and Morocco is 93,000 tons, ranking 4th to 10th in the world
Turkey, Uzbekistan, Iran, Italy, Algeria, Spain, France, Afghanistan, Greece and Morocco were the top 10 producers of apricots, respectively, according to a report released by FAO during the 2019-2020 harvest year
It is worth mentioning that Iran’s production in 2019 was 329,000 tons, still the third largest in the world
According to FAO, Spain, Turkey and Uzbekistan are the top three exporters of apricots
In another part of the report, FAO deals with apricot exports, with Spain recording the highest apricot exports in 2020, sending more than 96,000 tons of this product to the export market this year
Therefore, Turkey is the second largest exporter after Spain, with an export of 64,000 tons
Uzbekistan also exports 64,000 tons, making it the third largest exporter of apricots in 2020
According to FAO statistics, Greece, Italy, Afghanistan, France, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia are the fourth to tenth largest exporters, respectively
Meanwhile, according to statistics released by FAO in 2019, Spain has 93,000 tons, Srinam has 73,000 tons, Turkey has 67,000 tons, and is the top three exporters of apricot fruits, Uzbekistan, Italy, Greece, France, Afghanistan and Jordan, Kazakhstan was also in the next rank
Russia, Germany, Kazakhstan
They import most apricots
Another part of the FAO Statistics Report describes the import of apricot fruits

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According to this, Russia has the highest import of apricots among other countries, recording 64,000 tons of imports
Germany, on the other hand, imports over 46,000 tons of apricots, making it the second largest importer of this product
Kazakhstan, on the other hand, imports about 36,000 tons, making it the third largest importer of this product
After these three countries, FAO reports that “Iraq 20,000 tons, Italy 18,000 tons, Pakistan about 15,000 tons, Austria 12,000 tons, Saudi Arabia 10,000 tons, Romania 8,000 tons, 500
And 8000 tons of Ukraine “is in the following location
This is in the context of the 2019 FAO statistics: Russia, which has imports of over 13,000 tons during the period mentioned, still has the highest imports of apricot fruit, followed by the United States at 12,000 tons
France is the second largest
Importer of 8,000 tons of apricots
The FAO report also states that these three countries were followed by countries such as “Iraq, the United Kingdom, Germany, China, Ukraine, Belarus and Brazil”
During the 2020-2021 harvest year, Iran sent 65 tons of dry apricots to the world’s apricot sector, Qaisi, ranking 15th in the world
According to the report, drying of various fruits has long been common around the world and is still very popular among consumers today
Apricot leaves are actually obtained by drying apricot fruits
Apricot fruits are one of the most popular and useful dried fruits, with many properties and benefits to the body due to their nutrients and vitamins
Iran also does not send fresh apricot fruits to the global market, but is one of the countries that exports these fruits in dry form
According to FAO’s report, Iran was one of the 20 countries that exported this product during the harvest year from 2020 to 2021
In fact, FAO states: During the 2020-2021 harvest year, Iran sent 65 tons of dry apricots to the global market
This is the same as Qaisi, ranked 15th in the world, but exported 334 tons in 2019
Therefore, it is the 19th exporter of this product

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FAO also states that Turkey was the largest exporter of dried apricots for the second consecutive year in 2019 and 2020, exporting 88,000 tons in 2020 and 100,000 tons in 2019
It decreased by 20,000 tons at one time
It’s a year, but it’s still at the top of the list of top exporters
Meanwhile, according to FAO, Kyrgyzstan also exported 13,000 tons, second only to Turkey, by a huge margin from 2020 to 2021
Uzbekistan is third, with a short distance and exports of 11,000 tons
In 2019, Uzbekistan was the second largest exporter and Kyrgyzstan was the third largest exporter of Kais
The FAO report also shows that the United States, Russia and Iraq have the highest imports of apricot kernel from 2020 to 2021, followed by countries such as France, the United Kingdom, Germany and Ukraine

Dried apricot fruit

Dried apricots are one of the most popular dried fruits among all people in the world
The main producer of dried apricots in the world is Turkey
The province of Malatya in Turkey has exported 1,239 tons of dry apricots to 115 countries over the last decade
The state provides 85% of the world’s dry apricot needs and earned $ 3,0312 million 351,000 during this period
Of Turkey’s 17 million apricot trees, about 8 million are in Malatya and about 50,000 households make a living from this crop
Harvesting of dry apricots begins in June in Malatya and ends at the end of July
Following “Baklava Antep” and “Fig Aydin”, Qaisi Malatya is the third Turkish product registered in the European Union
From January to June of this year, 41,12 tons of dried apricots were exported from Malatya province, amounting to $ 141 million and $ 176,000
During this period, the products were exported to 115 countries including the United States, France, Germany, Russia, United Kingdom, Australia, Brazil, Netherlands and China

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Apricots are very important to the state’s economy, he said
“Dried apricot exports began in Malatya in the 1980s, selling about 5,000 tons of doors with basic equipment in the decade, and now reaching 100,000 tons,” he said
During that time, important academic research, various investments, insurance and other necessary support were carried out
“Since then, with the development of this section, a certification for geographical indications in Europe was applied for, and this certificate was received for the production of the highest quality apricots in the world
” Apricot is one of the agricultural products offered as fresh food and dried products in the world market, and has its own fans all over the world in the form of so-called “dried apricot”
Iran is also one of the countries producing this product, and according to global data released during the 2019-2020 harvest year, Iran with a production of 306,000 tons is 3 in the world
Known as the producer of the largest apricots
At the same time, Turkey is the world’s number one producer with 730,000 tons and Uzbekistan is the world’s second-largest producer of apricots with 662,000 tons
It is worth mentioning that Algeria and Italy were the fourth and fifth largest producers of apricots in the world during the period mentioned
Published data also show that in the 2019-2020 crop year, total global apricot production was 4
08 million tons
Experts predict that the global apricot market will grow 0
4% annually by 2024
Experts also predict that by 2021, the global market value of fresh apricots will increase by 0
6% compared to 2020 to $ 685 million
In the discussion of fresh apricot exports, FAO statistics show that in 2019 Spain will be the world’s largest exporter of this product in terms of weight and value, with Uzbekistan and Italy in the next export positions

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Germany is the world’s largest importer of apricots, and Russia, Kazakhstan, Iraq, Pakistan, and France are the second to sixth importers of fresh apricots
From 2019 to 2020, Turkey was the leading exporter of dry apricots Qaisi, with more than $ 256 million in exports worldwide
Dried apricot is the main product obtained from apricot and Turkey is the world’s largest producer and exporter of this product
According to published world statistics, Turkey will be the major exporter of dry apricots with more than $ 256 million in exports worldwide from 2019 to 2020, with Germany exporting $ 7 million
The United States is the third largest exporter of this product
This is despite the fact that experts estimate Turkey’s dry apricot production to reach 90,000 to 95,000 tons in 2022
World data also show that during the 2019-2020 harvest year, the United States was the world’s largest importer of dry apricots, importing 12
5 million kilograms
Dried apricot must be manufactured according to certain principles and not everyone can compromise the proper processing and commercial status of this product
Whenever the production of dried fruits is not done correctly, the consequences can be that this product expires very fast
Fortunately, the knowledge of processing different types of dried apricot has been passed down from the past to the future, and now we are witnessing the production of the best varieties of dried apricot by combining yesterday’s science with today’s equipment

Dried apricot organic

Dried apricots are one of the dried fruits that are also used as nuts among people today
This product is produced as organic and inorganic
Organic dried apricot is a first-class, unique product with great taste and aroma, manufactured in a completely natural and organic way, and of very high quality

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Apricot is a delicious and popular fruit that is used not only to eat fresh food, but also to provide great dried fruit called Qaisi
Organic dried apricot is obtained by professionals drying the freshest and healthiest apricots in completely hygienic and standard conditions using special and advanced machinery
This food contains useful compounds, contains a significant proportion of the vitamins and minerals that the body needs, and has amazing healing properties
Organic dried apricot strengthen the body’s system and give the body unlimited energy
This product helps improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract and is very effective in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders
The antioxidants in this food ensure heart health, are rich in iron, prevent anemia, and are effective in treating this disease
Dietary fiber in dried apricot makes people feel full, loses appetite, and loses weight
Vitamin A Vitamin C and Vitamin E in this food can protect your eyes from any possible damage
Organic dried apricot are delicious, fresh and high quality products manufactured and packaged under various brands in hygienic conditions in many factories, and are of higher quality and tastier than the other samples on the market
It is also a more reasonable price
The distribution of organic dried apricot is booming because this food has a lot of fans in the world
Our sales center sells Qaisi at the lowest and most reasonable price for all products by providing general and retail guarantees to customers in different parts of the world through a reliable  website
We are facing significant growth today as we offer it directly
Dried apricots are made additive-free, are completely natural, and can be mixed with nuts like any other snack and eaten as a nutritious and useful snack
Apricot is a delicious and nutritious summer fruit
To make apricot leaves, after preparation, place in a dryer, oven, or sun to get dried apricot fruit or apricot leaves
In other seasons when apricots are not available, the leaves can be used due to their long shelf life
This is why people eat dried fruits

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Dried apricot, like other dried fruits, contain many nutrients such as dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, beta carotene, iron, and potassium
If you consume three daily, you can get energy equivalent to 50 calories
Dried apricot is a rich source of dietary fiber, especially pectin and cellulose
In addition, fiber is effective in preventing cancer and type 2 diabetes
Apricot leaf decoctions are appetizing and can help you gain weight
It is a mouthwash and removes bad breath
Helps prevent lung and pancreatic cancer
It purifies blood and is an antitussive
It removes stomach cream and is effective in treating constipation
Not only does it help the digestive system, it also helps balance metabolism
Its consumption promotes heart health and is suitable for relieving joint pain and rheumatism
The characteristics of organic apricot leaves are excellent
For this reason, many produce organic apricot leaves at home and enjoy the many excellent healing properties and benefits of these delicious and tasty apricots
Ingesting top-notch dried apricot prevents many diseases of the human body
Prepare apricot leaves outdoors
First, cut the apricot in half with a knife and remove the apricot grains
Next, you need to place each apricot in a perforated basket with a clean cloth
Will be placed
After this, the basket should be exposed to sunlight for 2 days
After this, the apricot can be dried in the shade for 3 days
Of course, when you dry the apricot in the sun, turn the apricot upside down
Completely removes water from the fruit

Dried apricot with seed

There are different types of dried apricots, one of which is dried apricots with kernels
Apricot is one of the delicious and fragrant fruits on the market almost in early summer

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This sour and sweet fruit, the so-called sour and sweet, is used to make a variety of compotes, jams, sweets and nuts
The apricot kernel has a myriad of properties
In fact, 50% of apricot’s grain weight is made up of essential oils and fatty acids, and protein makes up an additional 25% of grain weight
Apricot kernel is a rich source of fatty acids and proteins
Experts believe that taking this seed can reduce the risk of cancer, but the findings in this field are less important
In fact, the apricot kernel is inherently toxic due to the presence of amygdalin and sides in the kernel
However, this core has a myriad of properties
In fact, 50% of apricot’s grain weight is made up of essential oils and fatty acids, and protein makes up an additional 25% of grain weight
Fiber is very useful for the digestive system and occupies 5% of the volume of apricot kernel
Apricot leaves, also known as apricots, are very popular nuts that have been used in a variety of foods from the past to the present
Qaisi is known for its high fiber and potassium
Therefore, it also has unique properties
Minerals contained in this dried fruit include iron and calcium
This delicious food contains essential vitamins such as A, K, C and D
The food is also rich in antioxidants needed by the immune system
Fully ripe fruits are used to make dried apricot, as unripe fruits have less antioxidants
Dried apricot is a good factor in relieving constipation
Therefore, pregnant or postmenopausal women who are prone to constipation should not neglect to use dried apricot
Dried apricot`s vitamins prevent the formation of wrinkles on the face and skin of the body
With vitamin A, dried apricot helps improve eyesight and enhance people’s eyesight
This food is very effective in removing inflammation in the body
despite to the characteristics of the apricot kernel, excessive consumption of it can cause poisoning

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The nucleus contains various toxic substances such as cyanide, amygdalin, and Glucose
Overdose of apricot kernel can cause poisoning , including nausea, headache, drowsiness, insomnia, hypotension, and muscle and joint pain
The number of child deaths due to overdose of apricot kernel has also been reported
However, experts say that taking a certain amount of apricot kernel and not taking too much of it may be effective in treating cancer
In fact, it contains a substance called amygdalin, or vitamin B17
Amygdalin is widely used in the treatment of cancer
Studies in this area have shown that sweet apricots and bitter almond extracts have antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-cancer properties
Researchers say apricot kernel extract can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the breast, liver, and intestines
However, to prevent food poisoning caused by apricot kernel, it is better not to take too much
The proper consumption of this kernel is directly related to various factors such as age, weight and general health
However, the European Food Safety Authority says that adults should not eat more than 3 grains, and children generally do not want to eat apricot kernel
Apricots are high in fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, and various antioxidants such as beta-carotene, potassium, and iron
Sweet apricot kernels also have an almond-like shape after breaking them, and many people, especially children are very interested in eating apricot because of its many characteristics and  think that the grain is also rich in characteristics
One of the characteristics of the apricot kernel mentioned in Islamic medicine is that it contains amygdalin
Laboratory studies have identified amygdalin as a substance with anti-cancer properties
However, this has not been confirmed in tests by the National Cancer Center
However, it is used in the manufacture of some anti-cancer drugs
Due to the anti-cancer effect of dried apricots, it is recommended that people at high risk of cancer or those who have recovered should eat a small amount of apricot kernel daily for large doses

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Characteristics of apricot kernel for children; Children are often interested in breaking apricot kernel and enjoying the deliciousness of it after eating it
This has many health benefits
However, the characteristics of apricot kernel for children have not yet been proven, so it is advisable to avoid overdose
It may not be a problem for adults to take up to 5 ounces of this substance, but children should avoid taking apricot kernel because it forms cyanide-like substances in the body
the properties of apricot kernel during pregnancy The apricot kernel contains amygdalin, which can cause cyanide poisoning
Not only are the characteristics of the apricot kernel unproven during pregnancy and lactation
Rather, pregnant and lactating women are advised to refrain from taking apricot kernel during this period
Characteristics of apricot kernel oil despite it is not recommended consuming apricot kernels, because of its less characteristics
However, apricot kernel oil has many properties and is often not problematic when taken topically, so it is best not to take it orally
The properties of apricot kernel oil include the presence of antioxidants, antibacterial substances and nutrients that rejuvenate and reduce wrinkles
Apricot kernel oil also acts as a toner, helping to deeply cleanse the skin
Apricot kernel oil is used to moisturize the skin and prevent sun damage
Apricot kernel oil not only keeps the skin moisturized, but also has a sunscreen effect with Vitamin E
Another property of apricot kernel oil is for hair, and the presence of vitamin A helps to strengthen hair follicles and reduce hair loss
Vitamin E in apricot kernel oil also helps to soothe dry hair and retain moisture

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Therefore, the best way to use the properties of dry apricot kernel is to prepare apricot kernel oil and use it topically on the skin and hair
Disadvantages of apricot kernel Some researchers claim that apricot kernel amygdalin has anti-cancer properties, but it reacts with enzymes in the body to release hydrogen cyanide, which acts like cyanide in the body
The harm of apricot kernels can be explained as a side effect of amygdalin consumption, which can lead to respiratory illness, paralysis, and even death when overconsumed
Disadvantages of the apricot kernel include mild aphrodisiacs that cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness
Scars on the skin, nails, and lips are caused by a lack of oxygen in the tissues
It also leads to eyelid sagging and low blood pressure
Cyanide poisoning can also damage the liver, and even taking vitamin C at the same time as taking apricot kernel can increase cyanide levels in the body, leading to coma and even death
Apricot grains should not be eaten at the same time as peaches, celery, wheat germ and carrots, as they increase the side effects of amygdalin in the body
properties of apricot kernel for slimming Despite the cyanide poisoning caused by apricot grains, few properties are mentioned for this substance
For example, half the weight of apricot kernel is made up of oil and beneficial fatty acids, and 25% of the weight of grain is made up of protein
The fibers of the apricot kernel also excel in better functions of the digestive system, all of which together make up the characteristics of the apricot kernel for weight loss

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However, as mentioned above, the properties sweet apricot kernel is very low compared to its harm, and consuming 5-10 or more apricot kernels can cause serious damage to the body
For this reason, some believe that apricot kernel has anti-cancer properties and is also useful for weight loss and slimming
You can’t consume much of it
The same is true for many other foods with slimming properties, and in general, all foods need to be taken in the same way that the body needs the nutrients, and overdose of these foods
And no injuries have been reported
We need a basic diet to know the right amount of nutrients and to be able to reach our weight loss and slimming goals
A diet that completely eliminates various substances or limits the consumption of certain substances can be harmful to the body in the long run

Freeze dried apricot

Although the philosophy of drying fruits is that we can store them for a long time, today they also freeze dried fruits to keep them longer
ِDried fruits in slang terms fall into three categories: seeds, fruits, and kernels
For example, most people in the collection of nuts and raisins, berries, figs, plums, and leaf varieties are pistachios, hazelnuts, almonds, and cashews (cashews)
Known in the form of dried fruits
Always keep in mind that “nuts should be stored in a dry, cool and dark place” In the past, most dried fruit sellers offered their products in paper bags, but nowadays, the price of dried fruit has reached its true value and the number of nylon and nylex varieties has increased, so dried fruit is no longer supplied
Benefits of using a paper bag to store nuts: * If you are careful, by pouring water on the bag, it dries quickly in a short time, and no moisture or traces of moisture remain

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* If you fold the envelope lid from above and close it, a dark space will actually be created inside the envelope, the temperature of the nuts will drop, and the growth of living things will be prevented
* The dried fruits stored in the bag are not exposed to environmental pollution
* Paper bags are paper-like, and the dry environment is darkened by light, so they are always cold and always cool
How to create a paper bag environment at home? For this reason, choose a carton according to the amount of nuts and spread the bottom of the newspaper down
Then put the nuts in a nylon carton, cover it again with newspaper, and put the carton in a cool place
Locations, terraces, storage areas, pouches In this way, you can provide a dry, cool, dark environment for storing nuts, even for a year
Frozen dried fruits: To freeze nuts, be sure to remove the nuts from nylon (even nylon in the freezer) and place them in a sealed container
Then store the container with the lid containing in the freezer
* the reason of The nuts come out of nylon is to not freeze the cover and does not absorb moisture so that the nuts do not get wet, so the taste of the nuts does not changes
Benefits of using a freezer to store nuts: * Freeze-dried nuts can be eaten with the same freshness at any time of the year
* With this method, nuts can be stored for a long period of up to 1 year
* Due to the minimal cold, the original properties of the nuts are maintained, and by storing them in the freezer anytime, anywhere, the nuts can be kept strong at any time

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Exceptions to dried fruits: As mentioned at the beginning of the discussion, nuts generally fall into two categories: kernels and seeds
The storage mechanism has been described for the storage of nuts and seeds, but for the storage of fruit nuts: Fig, raisins, raisins, plums, various kinds of leaves such as berries
The storage method is different
These nuts are fibrous and should be stored in a cool place and exposed to moisture
When placed in a freezer, terrace or pouch due to excessive cold or air exchange, the texture will be dry, hard and grainy in the absence of moisture
To store nuts (raisins, raisins, plums, figs, berries), first wash the nuts, then put them in a dish or dish and store in the refrigerator
You don’t need to wash the berries, but if you do, you should first pour them into a strainer, gently rinse them with water, dehydrate them, and then put them in the refrigerator
Always store fruit nuts (raisins, raisins, plums, figs, berries) in an outdoor refrigerator and do not pull on the cover or place the container on the fruit as a protective lid
Refrigerator raisins, raisins, plums, figs and berries tend to soften over time and do not retain the water in the refrigerator
Why do nuts get old in the cabinet? Because the kitchen is a cooking ground and today’s cabinets are made of wood, most of the heat exchange and bacterial growth takes place in the home kitchen, where heating acts as a heat insulator and does not lose heat inside
Therefore, as the heat increases, the nuts in the cabinet are prone to rot, while the cabinet environment is open, doubling the chances of insects next to the nuts
But some interesting and important points: Walnut: The walnut grains inside the nylon become cloudy (black), but the color change is noticeable
Put walnuts in a container with a lid and be sure to put them in the freezer
Store in a small container in the refrigerator

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Barberry: Be sure to remove the barberry from the nylon and pour it into a glass container
Also, cover the circumference of the container with aluminum foil
Sensitivity of nuts to refrigerator temperature and humidity: Some nuts in the fridge always retain their flavor and color identity (raisins, raisins, plums, figs, berries), but nuts cannot be stored in the fridge for extended periods of time
From the perspective of the refrigerator’s environmental sensitivity, walnuts remain fresh in the refrigerator for up to 3 days
* Hazelnuts and hazelnut grains can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 days
Other nuts such as almonds, cashew nuts, pistachios and seeds remain fresh and natural in the refrigerator for up to 10 days, but after 10 days they change color over time and lose their previous taste
* This year’s fresh pistachios can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 20 days without changing the taste

Natural dried apricot

Dried apricots can be prepared in different ways, but one of the methods that makes apricots do not lose their properties and have fewer side effects compared to other industrial dried fruits, is to dry apricots natural and traditionally
Apricot is a colorful and beautiful fruit that contains a wide variety of dried products, from apricot kernel to apricot leaves, and there are countless dried varieties of this fruit
Qaisi is one of the most beautiful and is actually the glossiest product of dry apricots
Can we make dried apricot at home? The apricots which are for dried apricots are different from other apricots
Apricots that are not raw and are not overheated are good for drying
It is clear that a good apricot gives a good dried apricot

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First, pour water and sugar into a pan to make a thick syrup, then add a little lemon essence to it
Place apricots without kernels in this syrup, bring to a boil for 3 minutes, then cool to room temperature
After drying the apricots, you can dry them in the sun for so-called sun-drying
Turn it alternately to soften it so that it doesn’t get too dry
Expose to sulfur smoke for the brilliance of Qaisi
In that case, it looks attractive and does not mold
What are the characteristics of Qaisi? The yellow or orange color of apricot is due to a pigment called beta-carotene
This pigment (actually a type of protein) is converted to vitamin A in our body
This pigment (protein) reduces the risk of some cancers
In addition to protein, ghee can be thought of as being rich in pectin and cellulose
Which two fibers are useful? These fibers absorb fat from the intestines and excrete it from the body
This action in the digestive system reduces the amount of blood lipids
This is because cholesterol is excreted from the intestines before it enters the bloodstream
Furthermore, the role of fiber in reducing type 2 diabetes cannot be ruled out
Traditional Iranian medicine is thanks to Zakaria Razi’s efforts to recommend eating a few cups of walnuts a day with a handful for pancreatic health and inflammation
The energy of each analogy is about 15 calories
Potassium is more abundant than fresh apricots, which are essential for nerve function and heart rate regulation
Taking one cup of aloe vera daily can meet your potassium needs by up to 50 percent

Dried apricot taste

ِdried apricots are one of the most delicious snacks and seasonings of all kinds of dried fruits, probably more popular and much more economical than apricot itself

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Perhaps you are one of the people who eat apricots in the summer and like it very much, but you can’t taste it next seasons because it’s seasonal, but we show you how to make it to keep the taste and fresh taste
apricot can be dried in the sun or boiled in the shade with sugar and water
Apricot leaves are a healthy snack for children and have properties such as improving the body’s digestive process, being rich in iron, helping anemia, reducing lung disease and good for the heart and cholesterol
First, wash and rinse the apricot well, cut it in half, then remove the apricot grains, pour into a strainer and let dry
Step 2: Prepare the syrup Put water and sugar in an appropriate amount of container, stir until the sugar grains are slightly melted, heat and boil the sugar grains to dissolve
Step 3: Add apricot Then add lemon essence to the syrup and boil for another 5 minutes, then add apricot leaves and boil the apricots in syrup for 4 minutes, stir regularly, turn off the heat and leave the leaves for 4 minutes
Step 4: Dry the apricot Remove the apricots from the juice, pour into a strainer, remove excess syrup, then prepare a metal tray in advance, regularly put the apricots in the tray and leave in the sun for 3 days until tender
Turn it upside down for the last three days and be careful not to leave it in the sun for long periods of time
Otherwise, it will turn black and dry

Eating dried apricot

Dried apricots are one of those dried fruits that are not only delicious to eat but also have many benefits for the body
Eating dried apricots during the day helps us to have freshness and energy
Apricots are one of the best and most useful fruits
Unfortunately, this high-quality fruit is only available for three months in the summer, so dried apricot called Qaisi have been produced in many seasons by industrial or traditional methods in all seasons

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Studies have shown that dried apricots and apricots have different characteristics
This is because the apricot leaves are dried so that the nutrients in them are concentrated and preserved, only the juice evaporates, and some water-soluble, heat-sensitive vitamins are destroyed
dried apricots, like apricots, are rich in vitamins A, C, K, iron, phosphorus, potassium and calcium and have many properties in most organs
One cup of apricot has about 313 calories and is rich in dietary fiber that can be used to treat constipation
This excellent snack is also an excellent source of two antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin, which are known to promote eye health
It also has a beneficial effect on controlling diabetes and inflammation in the body
In this article, you can learn about the nutritional value and other properties of Qaisi
Nutritional value of dried apricot According to calculations, a 100 gram Qaisi contains: 241 calories 4 grams of protein 5 grams of fat 63 grams of carbohydrates 3 grams of dietary fiber Potassium 1160mg Calcium 55mg Iron 3mg Magnesium 32mg Phosphorus 71mg 2 micrograms of selenium 180 micrograms of vitamin A
Vitamin C 1 mg
Vitamin K 3 mg
Zinc 2mg 10 micrograms of folic acid

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In addition, dried apricots and apricots contain various amounts of polyphenolic compounds such as gallic acid, epicatechin, ferulic acid, procyanidins, caffeic acid, and chlorogenic acid as antioxidants
Useful properties of dried apricot for the body The most important health benefits of dry apricots and apricot kernels are mention : Of course, since dried apricot is made of apricot, the following properties can be seen in apricot as well
Blood coagulation dried apricot’s Vitamin K is very useful for blood clotting
This vitamin helps prevent excessive bleeding
Vitamin K supplements are currently widely available, but nutritionists still recommend using natural vitamin K sources
Eating the dried apricot at least once a day will help store this vitamin in your body
Muscle hypertrophy Potassium in Qaisi helps improve not only metabolism, but also the function of organs and tissues
This nutrient is important for normal body growth, muscle building, and regulation of the amount of acid in the body
This is because it is effective for protein synthesis
Increases the radiance of the skin oil of apricot is suitable for skin care and helps to smooth and lighten the skin
It can also treat ear pain
Improve the respiratory system Eating some dried apricots can have a positive effect on respiratory illness
It acts as a laxative and is also effective in preventing asthma attacks

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Elimination of anemia dried apricot is an excellent source of iron, including iron-absorbing copper, where iron and copper produce hemoglobin in the body
Basically, adding various fruits to the diet of an anemic patient can help improve his condition
Improve eyesight dried apricot also contains vitamin A, which is needed to improve eyesight
This vitamin is also a powerful antioxidant and helps the body remove free radical damage to cells
Qaisi contains zeaxanthin
Zeaxanthin is an essential antioxidant to improve the optical filter function of the eye
Adjusting heart rate One of the benefits of potassium in Qaisi is that it can balance the body’s water and electrolytes
This helps regulate your heart rate and maintain proper muscle function
apricot contain three times as much potassium as bananas
The same amount helps lower blood pressure
Convenient for pregnancy Bleeding and cramps are problems that can occur during pregnancy
These can be alleviated by eating Qaisi, which can also be used to treat vaginal infections
Qaisi contains iron and helps to eliminate anemia in pregnant mothers and prevent the development of fetal developmental abnormalities
Women’s blood volume increases by 50% during pregnancy
This means he needs more iron in his diet
Pregnancy and breastfeeding, on the other hand, can cause metabolic changes in the mother’s body
For example, low physical activity or poor dietary balance often leads to constipation

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Drinking plenty of water and eating fiber-rich foods such as Qaisi may alleviate these digestive problems
Helps to lose weight High in pectin and cellulose, Qaisi acts as a mild laxative for the gastrointestinal tract, expelling unwanted waste products from the body faster and cleaning the digestive system
Basically, consuming it before meals helps to eliminate indigestion and stimulate digestion to lose weight
Convenient for the liver Studies show that Qaisi, which contains its beneficial nutrients, is very effective in treating and preventing some diseases such as fatty liver
Because it increases liver activity
On the other hand, the effect of Qaisi on the faster excretion of unwanted waste products from the body also helps the liver’s detoxification function
Black dried apricot is also dried apricot fruit, and the only difference from normal apricot is the type of drying process
Normal Qaisi is usually dried in an industrial fruit dryer in the presence of sulfur gas (to maintain its texture and golden color)
However, black dried apricot for a long time in direct sunlight
Studies show that direct sunlight does not affect its quality and properties, and even many of the properties and nutrients of apricots (such as water-soluble vitamins) are better preserved
In general, most characteristics of black and white are similar to each other
Differences between dried apricots and apricots The main difference between dried apricots and apricots is the amount of water in each
As a rule, dried apricot has a longer shelf life and higher water loss

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On the other hand, during the drying process, some of the apricot’s water-soluble nutrients, such as thiamine and vitamin C, are usually lost
Studies show that Qaisi has more iron and potassium than apricots because of its concentration
Normally, the texture of dried apricots is thick, juicy, very sweet and pleasant, but the texture of apricots is soft, wrinkled, smooth and delicious
As for other nutrients, there is no difference between the two
According to nutritionists, we need to consume about 1-2 cups of fruit daily
Note that for dried fruits such as Qaisi, half a cup is equivalent to one cup of fresh fruit
Therefore, do not consume more than one cup a day
No side effects have been reported yet and it is a healthy treat
However, you need to be careful when purchasing
Due to improperly stored dried fruits
They can be contaminated with toxins, fungi, and those dried with sulfur dioxide
They may be stimulants for people who are prone to asthma

Dried apricot vs fresh

Today, many people prefer to use dried fruits such as dried apricots, and many also prefer fresh fruits
We are going to talk about fresh vs dried fruits
Like other dried fruits, dried apricot contains many nutrients such as dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, beta carotene, iron and potassium
Consumption of three Qaisi provides about 50 calories
Dried fruits have a long shelf life and can be used all year round
This has made the consumption of dried fruits popular among people
Iran’s great scientist Zakaria Razi also recommends eating Qaisi with 50 grams of walnut nuts for 7 days, as it is a very good drug for pancreatic and intestinal inflammation
Dietary fiber dried apricot is an excellent source of dietary fiber, especially pectin and cellulose, forming gels in the aqueous medium of the gastrointestinal tract, binding to fatty acids and causing their excretion

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This feature of fiber gives them the ability to reduce elevated levels of LDL and cholesterol
In addition, fiber is effective in preventing cancer and type 2 diabetes
Dietary fiber has laxative properties and is beneficial to people who are prone to constipation, thus improving gastrointestinal function and facilitating the transfer of feces to the gastrointestinal tract
Taking 6-8 different suppositories will eliminate the symptoms of constipation
Half a cup provides 19% of your daily fiber requirements
potassium Fresh apricots are rich in potassium, but dried apricots have a higher potassium content than fresh fruits
Potassium is an important element in the body and plays an important role in the metabolism and function of tissues, organs and other cells in the body
Dietary potassium is essential for maintaining heart health and healthy blood pressure
This element is essential for the electrical activity of the heart, muscle building, and normal growth of the body
Inadequate potassium intake is associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure
Potassium has an anti-muscle spasm effect
Half a cup provides more than 21 percent of your daily potassium needs
iron Qaisi is a more important source of iron than fresh apricots
A diet rich in a variety of iron-rich foods helps prevent iron deficiency anemia, the world’s most common nutritional problem, according to the World Health Organization
Ibn Sina considered eating 50 grams of almond with Qaisi daily to strengthen nerves and anemia
Half a cup provides up to 10 percent of your daily iron needs
Vitamin A This essential vitamin, one of the fat-soluble vitamins, is considered an antioxidant, protects cells and removes free radicals from the body

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The production of free radicals in the body is the result of exposure to heavy metals such as lead and smoking
In addition, other benefits of vitamin A include improving vision, regulating cell function, growing bones, strengthening the immune system, and preventing cancer
Vitamin C Vitamin C is an essential antioxidant vitamin that protects cells from oxidation and eliminates free radicals that cause cancer
Vitamin C is good for the health of teeth, bones, skin and connective tissue, absorbs iron and protects against colds and flu
Vitamin K This vitamin helps calcium in functions such as maintaining healthy bones, teeth and cartilage
Vitamin K also helps prevent blood clots in the event of an injury to prevent bleeding
One tablespoon of Qaisi provides 4 micrograms of vitamin K daily
It can provide some of the daily requirements for this vitamin
Antioxidant In addition to these vitamins, Qaisi contains high levels of antioxidants
Studies have shown that ripe fruits are higher in antioxidants than fully ripe fruits
Therefore, make sure it is ripe before you dry the apricots and prepare the apricots
Antioxidants help eliminate free radicals that cause cancer and other illnesses
calcium This mineral is needed to protect bones, teeth and cartilage
Osteoporosis is a common problem in older women
The disease can be prevented by taking calcium according to the recommended daily recommendations
100 grams of Qaisi provides about 53
44 mg of calcium

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Beta carotene dried apricot is rich in carotenoids (precursors of vitamin A) and other antioxidant phytonutrients
These antioxidants protect the body from oxidative damage and free radicals that increase the risk of developing cancer and other illnesses
It is rich in beta-carotene, which plays an important role in the body, and its benefits are useful in the prevention and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, skin problems, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, and headaches
It is included
Half a cup of whipped cream provides 47% of your daily requirement for beta-carotene
Warning about dried apricot consumption Sulfur dioxide is added to the apricot fruits to keep them orange
If this substance is not added, it will turn brown
Apricot sulfur oxides are converted to sulfites, which can cause allergic reactions and asthma attacks
Also, keep in mind that Qaisi is high in fiber, so excessive intake can cause diarrhea and bloating
Therefore, children and the elderly should not overdo it

Best dried apricot

As mentioned, dried apricots are a type of dried fruit that is also used as nuts today
By using the best type of this dried fruit, you can meet many of your body needs
Among the properties of dried apricots, its benefits can be stated during pregnancy
Eating Qaisi during pregnancy has many benefits for pregnant women
In fact, Qaisi is the same dry apricot
Pregnant women often want a treat but cannot use it due to this time limit
For this reason, dried fruits and nuts can be an ideal alternative to harmful snacks for pregnant women

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Characteristics and benefits of Qaisi during pregnancy Eating apricots during pregnancy or eating the same dried apricot like other dried fruits contains large amounts of dietary fiber, especially pectin and cellulose, forming gels in the aquatic environment of the gastrointestinal tract and becoming fatty acids
Combines and causes their excretion
This feature of fiber gives them the ability to reduce elevated levels of LDL and cholesterol
In addition, fiber is effective in preventing cancer and type 2 diabetes
Dietary fiber has laxative properties and is beneficial to people who are prone to constipation, thus improving gastrointestinal function and facilitating the transfer of feces to the gastrointestinal tract
Pregnant women usually have digestive problems
Therefore, taking 6-8 suppositories will eliminate the symptoms of constipation
Qaisi is rich in carotenoids (precursors of vitamin A) and other antioxidants
These antioxidants protect the body from oxidative damage and free radicals that increase the risk of developing cancer and other illnesses
They keep
Rich in beta-carotene, which plays an important role in the body, it helps prevent and treat rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, skin problems, cataracts, age-related illnesses, and headaches
Qaysi also contains three important vitamins, the properties of which are well defined for pregnant women
That is, vitamins A, C and K
These two vitamins play important roles in fetal growth and development
Vitamin A or beta-carotene play an important role in the formation of the fetal visual system
Vitamin C is very helpful in strengthening the immune system of the fetus during pregnancy
Vitamin K is essential for the preservation of bones and teeth and the formation of blood clots to stop bleeding
Qaisi’s minerals include iron, potassium and calcium

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The benefits of taking iron during pregnancy, which is not hidden by anyone, are the need for iron for the production of red blood cells and the proper functioning of the circulatory system and oxygenation of growing tissues
Potassium also plays an important role in metabolism and tissue function
Its role in electrical activity and heart rate and muscle structure has also been proven
Calcium during pregnancy is essential for fetal bone formation and also prevents osteoporosis during pregnancy in the mother
Effects of eating apricots on the beauty of the fetus The fact that eating certain foods can affect a child’s appearance has not yet been scientifically proven
However, it does not seem to be ineffective
For example, eating apricots can cleanse the mother’s blood and have a significant impact on the fetus
Alternatively, the apricot characteristics of skin clarity and brilliance can also be transmitted to the fetus
Harm of Qaisi during pregnancy One of the concerns about eating junk food during pregnancy is the same for all dried fruits
Avoid dried fruits as they have less water than fresh fruits and therefore have a higher sugar content in total weight and may increase the calorie intake of pregnant women if taken too much
The next concern is the drying process of these fruits and to some extent they are hygienic
With traditional drying methods, sliced ​​fruits can be contaminated with insects, wind and dust when exposed to air and sunlight
When eating dried fruits, it is recommended to use the standard type, which has been dried under the supervision of an industrial machine

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The next problem with eating junk food during pregnancy is the addition of additives
For example, some companies have added sulfur dioxide to their Qaisi to maintain the orange color of the Qaisi
Sulfur dioxide in apricots is converted to sulfites, which can cause allergic reactions and asthma attacks
As mentioned above, Qaisi contains high fiber and excessive intake of fiber material can cause diarrhea and abdominal distension
The effects of the apricot kernel during pregnancy The characteristics of Qaisi that you eat during pregnancy are not only the eating of only apricot itself, but also the kernel of it has many characteristics
Apricot kernel properties are very similar to almond properties
This kernel, like many other brains, is rich in fat and protein
Traditional medicine also says that this grain can be used to treat arthritis and high blood pressure, as well as reduce pain and swelling
The kernel of apricot can also be used to reduce joint pain
According to new research, this nucleus contains a substance called amygdalin, which is effective in treating cancer in small amounts, but can cause cyanide poisoning in large amounts, which is extremely dangerous
The mild effects of this cyanide poisoning include headache and nausea
Therefore, it is advisable to be careful when eating apricot kernel during pregnancy

Freeze dried apricot powder

Today, with the advancement of science, there are different ways to preserve fruits, for example, it is possible to freeze them, but in the past, to preserve fruits, they were dried and sometimes made powder
Apricot powder has a sweet taste and cold nature
Apricot powder, like fresh apricots, has many properties that can be a good alternative when there is a lack of fresh apricots

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In addition, apricot powder can be a delicious and delicious seasoning in the kitchen alone
Apricot powder is a natural, fragrant essential oil that is often used
Applying apricot powder: The food, pharmaceutical and health industries use apricot powder as a highly medicinal and fragrant plant
Since apricot is a summer fruit, it is very convenient and delicious to use its powder in summer foods and tastes
Therefore, you can use apricot powder to prepare desserts, jellies, wafers, biscuits, or drinks and smoothies
Apricot powder is suitable for baking cakes, natural jellies and fruit ice cream
It can also be used as a flavor-enhancing powder for breads, cakes, pastries, etc
On the other hand, you can also use apricot powder to make delicious drinks
Characteristics of apricot powder: Apricot powder, like fresh apricots, has many properties, energy, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals
This fragrant and tasty powder is rich in vitamins A, B and C and can help treat many illnesses
Apricot powder contains large amounts of iron, potassium, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, copper, magnesium, calcium and sulfur to help eliminate bad breath and relieve thirst
Apricot powder helps treat mental illness, nervousness and depression
This powder is also refreshing and soothing
Apricot powder is effective in treating cardiovascular disease and can improve joint softness
Apricot powder is a powerful laxative, and if you are suffering from constipation, you can take advantage of its properties by drinking 2 tablespoons of this powder with yogurt or water

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How to use apricot powder: The taste of apricot powder is sweet and smooth
To use apricot powder, you can mix a spoonful of yogurt with yogurt to make an attractive fruit yogurt
Also, add this powder to a tablespoon of cake liquid to double the flavor
You can also mix 1-2 tablespoons of this powder with cold water and drink a glass of apricot syrup
Apricot powder can also be used to create skin masks
For this purpose, you should mix a tablespoon of apricot chard with a small amount of milk and honey and massage it onto clean facial skin
Maintenance method: Store this flavor in a cool, dry place, preferably in the refrigerator, like any other spice, and avoid direct sunlight
Also, make sure that the container containing the apricot powder is completely impermeable and the spices are not wet
If you follow all the principles of storage, this powder can be stored for up to 1 year without losing its original quality
Spices stored beyond this period lose their original flavor
This product has undergone a licensed process and is manufactured and distributed in accordance with the Basic Principles and contains no harmful or yellowish substances
Avoid consuming apricot powder arbitrarily
Also, make sure that you are not allergic to apricot powder before taking it
Apricot powder is not contraindicated for pregnant women, but it is advisable to consult your doctor again as a precautionary measure
Overdose of apricot powder is not permitted and can cause addiction

Apricot vs dried apricot

Dried fruits are very popular among people today, dried fruits vs fresh fruits each have their own properties
Among the dried fruits that are very tasty and delicious, we can name dried apricots

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We have to mention of the characteristics of apricot leaves in traditional medicine, and ancient Iranian medicine has strongly recommended the consumption of this delicious food
Apricot leaves can be used to remove bad breath and reduce gastritis
Apricot leaves are consumed as food, and the leaves are boiled and soaked in water before being tasted
The nature of apricots is known in traditional Iranian medicine as cold and moist, and apricots have many medicinal properties, some of which are described below
Apricot leaf properties in traditional medicine Apricot purifies blood and opens blood vessels
It has a fever and is also recommended for anemia
It is anti-osteoporosis and relieves inflammation of the joints
It protects the mind and eyes
Cool, appetizing and quenching thirst
A laxative that is effective in relieving constipation and hemorrhoids
Apricot trees grow naturally in Turkmenistan and Mongolia and have been cultivated in China for the past three centuries
Apricot; A sweet, yellow fruit that grows in the middle of summer
In addition to the fruits themselves that are eaten raw, dried apricots called apricot leaves are used, making it one of the most delicious and delicious ingredients among sweets

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Apricot kernel Apricot kernel grains are hot and dry, but their leaves and flowers are cold and dry, and in addition to apricots, apricot grains and leaves also have healing properties
To treat the weight of your ears, put apricot kernel oil in your ears to mute the sounds in your ears
You can also relieve ear pain in the same way
Apricot kernel oil can be used to soften the skin
The brain is very effective in increasing sexual strength
To stop diarrhea, brew apricot leaves
Apricot kernel oil, when bitter, kills stomach and intestinal parasites and crushes bladder stones
They use apricot leaves soaked with lemon and eat it on an empty stomach to relieve constipation
Apricot kernel is a flatulence inhibitor and is recommended to be eaten with apricot for easy digestion
In addition to all that mentions the characteristics of apricots, it is advisable to follow the tips on eating this delicious food
Eating too much apricot can cause white skin blemishes
People with heartburn or liver problems are advised not to eat apricots
Eating apricots on an empty stomach can cause severe heartburn
Eating bitter apricot kernel is dangerous because of its cyanic acid and peracids

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Apricots are cold and wet, so they are not suitable for cold people
Middle-aged people and children are bloated and slow to digest, so you should avoid eating too much apricot

Dried apricot vs apricot

As mentioned, dried fruits vs fresh fruits each have their own fans, for example, dried apricots and fresh apricots each have different fans
We are all familiar with the properties and benefits of fruits and know how eating fruits every day can be beneficial to our health
Among the plants that are edible and have become traditional foods in other countries, there are probably some strange and wonderful fruits that you have never tried or heard
These fruits with a strange look and taste add variety to the world of flavors


Yumberry also known as Chinese berry and Chinese strawberry
The Mirika tree, native to China, produces edible red and purple fruits called Yumberry
The taste of this fruit is comparable to that of pomegranate and strawberry
The appearance of this fruit is spherical with a maximum diameter of 3 cm
The skin is low and conspicuous, and the skin color is the same as or lighter than the inside color
The core of the fruit has seeds that are about half the diameter of the fruit
Ripe fruits can be consumed in the same way
Yamberry helps treat many illnesses such as diarrhea, distant, indigestion, nausea, excessive vulnerability, psoriasis, cholera, heart disease and stomach ailments
Yamberry is suitable for fat burning and weight loss
Ingesting yam fruits greatly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
Dry yam powder also prevents esophageal cancer
Yamberry has antiviral properties and is effective in treating various infectious diseases

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Horned melon

A horned melon is a combination of melon and cucumber
This jelly-like fruit is one of the traditional African dishes
There are two toxic and non-toxic species of horned melon
Toxic skins are green, non-toxic seeds are pale yellow or orange with protrusions, and the flesh is jelly and green, grainy and looks like cucumbers, but tastes better when ripe
like bananas
Some people around the world make salads from this fruit and use it as a seasoning for meat
Others use it to make ice cream and desserts
Hornbeam’s antioxidant properties eliminate carcinogens from the body
This fruit produces collagen and helps repair damaged skin and tissues
Horned melons help improve eyesight by being high in vitamin A
It also has a high calcium content and is useful in the treatment of bone-related diseases such as osteoporosis
Hornbeam sodium is a known element for enhancing brain function
According to experts, one of the natural ways to treat anemia is to use horned melon
This fruit contains a large amount of iron and other essential nutrients that the body needs


Mangosteen is a type of tropical fruit that grows naturally in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and southern India
It is the size of a small, round tennis ball and looks dark purple or purplish red
The edible part is soft and white and can be seedless or 5 seeds
Most of these grains are sour and unhealthy, but the mantle part has a very good flavor
The mangosteen shell, called the pericarp, is solid and easily broken

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Tagil has natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and helps prevent and treat skin diseases such as eczema and itching
Mangosteen fruit peel has natural moisturizing properties that help moisturize hair and treat hair loss
It is also used in traditional medicine to prevent and treat diarrhea and dysentery in children and adults

Romanesco broccoli

This strange vegetable in the picture below has a regular shape that makes you want to see it more than eat it
Cabbage is first seen in Italy and tastes a little more crispy than regular cauliflower
Cabbage is an attractive inherited vegetable with a lime green color and fractal head
Cabbage is different from ordinary broccoli and cauliflower but in the middle
This cabbage contains nested spiral buds that look like sea coral and have a gram-like flavor of cabbage, but are a bit better and crispy
This vegetable is a cold season vegetable and it is better to grow it in cold regions
It can be cultivated in spring and autumn in temperate regions
In the tropics, this plant is planted in winter
To purchase Romanesco cabbage seeds, visit the Nazbo online store
Cabbage contains a substance called sulforaphane, which reduces the number, size, and growth of cancerous tumors
Prevents cancer, especially cancers of the human breast, stomach, colon, rectum, and lungs
Broccoli is also rich in dietary fiber, carotenoids, vitamins A, C, and vitamin K, and helps prevent stomach and intestinal cancer
Cabbage is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the harmful effects of free radicals in the body and slows down the aging process due to its high fiber, fiber and beta caron content
The large amount of dietary fiber contained in broccoli is very useful for diabetics, who need to include this vegetable in their diet to control their illness

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The calcium in Romanesco cabbage is the same as the amount of calcium in milk
As a result, it is very useful for people with osteoporosis or calcium deficiency
However, because milk contains vitamin D, milk is a better source of calcium for patients with osteoporosis
Cabbage is the most abundant source of iron in plants

Roman cabbage

Not only for raw use, but also for cooking in salads and foods, the famous roasted cabbage dish is one of the famous cabbage dishes mixed with garlic, lemon and pepper
The best way to cook broccoli is to steam or cook it in the microwave or in a small amount of water or broccoli with mild heat
Vegetables lose a lot of salt and minerals, so it’s best not to overcook them
The best way to store cabbage is to store it in the refrigerator and in the fruit and vegetables section
Wash cabbage just before consumption and do not store in the refrigerator for more than 5 days


Rambutan or eyelashes are one of Indonesia’s exotic tropical and native fruits, and as the name implies, the body of this fruit has thick eyelashes, giving it an interesting look
The lashes are round, sometimes oval, with red or light brown skin covered with strands like lashes and hair
Inside the shell is the edible meat of the fruit, which is clear and refreshing, white in color, and sometimes has a sour and sweet taste
This tropical fruit is rich in nutrients that help digestive health, help prevent and treat diabetes, and reduce the risk of osteoporosis
Eyelashes are rich in vitamin C and calcium, and also contain iron and fiber, so they are recommended for people with iron deficiency anemia
Also, one of the most delicious foods that can help you lose weight is eyelashes

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Aki is an evergreen tree that can grow up to 10 meters
This nut is used in Jamaican cuisine
It is an immature green fruit that comes out and tears when it turns red
In that case, you will see cream-colored aryl
Each aryl has black beads
These aryls are edible parts of the fruit and must be thoroughly washed and then boiled in water before cooking
Aryl has small red stripes that are also separated
Eating raw or undercooked Aki fruit causes nausea and vomiting due to a toxin called hypoglycin
For this reason, they throw away the water from which the fruits are cooked
Aryl is a coating formed as it grows around the seeds of the fruit and is considered the edible part of the fruit of Aki
The fruits themselves, grains, leaves, and even tree trunks can be used medicinally


Akebi is known as an “unwanted plant” in many countries, including New Zealand, due to its aggressive growth, but it is also mentioned in the first Japanese literature discovered
Black locust berries grow on long-flowering grapes
When the fragrant flowers fall, large fruits grow to a length of 5 inches and a height
Akebi’s white fruits are pods that look like Japanese white eggplants
As the fruit ripens, the pods are separated by a cylinder of clear white edible pulp
The pulp contains edible black seeds, which are relatively bitter and often die when eating raw fruits
This fruit has a slightly mild coconut milk flavor
Acacia fruits are very expensive as they are only available for two weeks a year from summer


Pitaya is a fruit of the genus Cactus and is distributed in various colors around the world such as white, purple, red and yellow, but purple, especially yellow, is extremely rare
Sexually similar to kiwi, but almost sweet

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The pulp of this fruit can be eaten raw or brewed as a drink
The unique flowers of the dragon tree are 25 cm in diameter and up to 30 cm in length
The characteristic of the dragon tree flower is that it opens only overnight
Dragon berries are shaped like a baseball, the most famous of which are white, red, purple and yellow flesh, each covered with hundreds of black seeds, of which red and purple berries are popular
I have
Than other colors
This fruit tree is sensitive to cold and grows well in the sun
The growing season for pita flowers is from summer to autumn
The pita tree bears fruit 30 to 50 days after flowering and takes about 5 to 6 times
The year bears fruit
Dragon fruit is found in 6 colors, each with its own unique taste
White red crust on the inside, red  crust on the inside, and yellow crust on the inside are rarely found
A white crust with a brown inside, which is very rare in this type of pita
Pink skin and white skin, red skin and pink skin
The interior of the dragon is made up of black seeds that can be planted to grow new trees
Dragon fruit is rich in fiber and high in water, which improves bowel function and prevents constipation
With age, lines appear on the skin of the face, which is a sign of skin aging
Due to its antioxidant properties, pitaya fights free radicals, prevents wrinkles and prevents premature aging
Iron is essential to the human body because it converts food into energy
Vitamin C also helps the body absorb iron
Pitaya contains iron and vitamin C, which makes it suitable for preventing Be’s anemia
Hair is damaged after coloring, Pitaya treats damaged hair and keeps it in color
Rich in calcium and phosphorus, it strengthens your teeth
This fruit is very effective in treating acne
Ingesting dragon fruit for type 2 diabetes lowers blood sugar levels
It regulates blood pressure and lowers blood cholesterol
Pitaya prevents stroke

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Jackfruit or Jackfruit is one of the exotic tropical and native fruits of South India known as the largest fruit in the world
Each fruit weighs about 20 kilograms, but hangs like an apple on a tree and stays in the tree heavy enough to be harvested
Vegetarians and vegans often use this fruit as a meat substitute because of its texture
Jackfruit has a thick green rind and yellow flesh, a sweet taste and a combination of apples, pineapples, mangoes and bananas
Some people use it raw, but canned food is better
Some people like potato chips are fried in oil
In Malaysia, it is cooked with coconut milk and eaten with rice
Used in the ice cream, confectionery and dessert industries
In India, the leaves are used as plates
Jackfruit is a very popular fruit all over the world due to its incredible healing properties
This fruit looks strange, but it works mysteriously on your health
To buy jackfruit seeds, visit the Nazbo online store


Starfruit, carambola, and starfruit, also known in Iran as Aktar and Kokubi, are one of the strange tropical and native fruits of Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Indonesia
When the fruits are fully ripe, they turn yellow and the acidity and sweetness are pleasant
It’s actually a combination of pineapple, pear, apple and citrus flavors
However, unripe fruits are sour and taste like green apples
The fruits are elongated, 5-6 square long, 6
35-15 cm long and 9 cm wide
These fruits have a thin, waxy orange-yellow rind
The ripe fruit has a yellow extract and a crispy texture and looks like a star when cut from the cross section
This tropical fruit is rich in antioxidants that help improve digestion, lose weight and reduce the risk of infection
The antibacterial properties and nutrients found in zinc-containing starfruit help prevent and treat acne and acne, as well as treat acne

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This strange fruit grows in the tropics of eastern Australia and can be eaten raw or cooked
Hara is one of the most common ingredients in Maldivian cuisine
Interestingly, eating this fruit is like brushing your teeth
The male and female flowers of this tree are very different, the male flowers are very fragrant, small and dense inflorescences, very short-lived, live only one day, but the female flowers are pineapple
It resembles a flower
The fruit grows on a female tree and is oval, oval, nearly spherical or round, 4-20 cm in diameter, 8-30 cm long, and consists of 38-200 wedge-shaped knuckles
The bright red part of the fruit core can be eaten raw or cooked
These parts have a sweet taste and their green tips are fibrous, which helps to clean the teeth

Dried apricot eating time

Dried apricot, like any other food, have a special time to use
Eating this delicious dried fruit in the morning is very useful and helps a lot to the health of the body
The apricot is one of the summer tree fruits that has a velvety peel and flesh
Apricots with well-known fruits such as peaches, green tomatoes, pears, apples, raspberries and almonds are classified
Apricots have been used for thousands of years
This fruit is available all over the world and can be eaten raw, dried and as apricot jam
Apricot This sweet fruit has many benefits and its extract can be concentrated but you can dilute it by adding citrus or apple juice
This mountain fruit is often produced in summer
The apricot fruit season is very short and only available from mid-spring to mid-summer
Turkey is the largest producer of apricots in the world, followed by Iran and Pakistan
The apricot, which is called Arik in Azerbaijan and Qaisi in Istanbul Turkey, is a sweet fruit of the Gulsurkhan family

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The properties of apricots in traditional medicine Although apricots are cooler and warmer, the sweeter they are, the warmer and more humid they are
Apricot kernels are also hot and dry
Nutritional value of apricots (one cup) Calories: 74 Fiber: 3
1g Carbs: 17
4g Protein: 2
2g Fat: 0
Anise, alder, cumin, olive oil, and honey are good and improve the properties and mood of apricots
This ripe, juicy and sweet fruit is a complete food and can be eaten alone instead of lunch and provides the necessary substances for the body
It helps keep the body hydrated and prevents heat from overpowering the body in the summer
It prevents constipation (in the elderly, children and people with weak stomachs, it is preferable to eat it dry (apricot leaves

If it is well digested, it opens up blockages and eliminates bad breath
The high levels of Vitamin C and Vitamin A in fresh apricot fruit are known to be a natural moisturizer for the skin of the face and hands
Apricot oil also moisturizes the skin because it contains a high percentage of essential fatty acids and vitamin A, and treats dry skin as a moisturizer
The first mentioned benefit of sweet apricot fruits in the health sector is especially for the digestive system
The soluble fiber in apricots improves bowel movement, which leads to better defecation
In addition, it breaks down fatty acids quickly which improves digestion
The fiber in apricots treats constipation and bloating
Apricots are low-calorie fruits with low carbohydrates and low glycemic index and do not increase blood sugar after eating, and the high amounts of fiber and vitamin A in apricots reduce blood sugar in diabetics
Drinking boiled water of it prevents boiling of blood and bile, relieves thirst and facilitates bile
It is effective in relieving belching, bad breath and gastritis
It is useful for those who are thin and skinny and skinny
Those who suffer from severe bloating and gastroesophageal reflux disease, prefer to use dried apricots instead of fresh leaves
Eating too much causes leprosy vitiligo

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Fresh apricots contain high amounts of vitamins A, C and E as well as minerals such as phosphorous, silicon, calcium, iron and potassium that provide the nutrients that a pregnant woman needs
High levels of iron and copper in apricots to prevent anemia during pregnancy and to prevent birth defects in the fetus is beneficial
Soaked apricot leaves can stop and eliminate diarrhea
Apricot leaves are useful in relieving earache and you can put them in your ear
It also removes sounds that can be heard in the ear and can relieve and treat severe hearing loss
Apricot kernel oil softens the skin
Apricots are rich in antioxidants that protect our bodies from free radicals, and the high amounts of vitamins A and C present in apricots strengthen the immune system and prevent cancer
Apricots are rich in vitamin C and contain lycopene, which lowers bad cholesterol and thus reduces the risk of heart attacks and diseases
heart and blood vessels
Apricot fruit and its sweet essence with vitamin C can prevent bleeding gums, eliminate developmental disorders in children, and strengthen the body
It purifies the blood and causes the arteries to open
Apricot fruit can be used with iron in the treatment of anemia
Due to its high potassium content, the apricot fruit regulates blood pressure and cleanses the blood of impurities and plaques
It also regulates blood pressure due to the presence of potassium in apricot leaves
Apricots are rich in vitamins A, C and E, as well as carotenoids that improve vision and prevent macular degeneration
Although little research has been done in this area, some sources suggest that three drops of apricot kernel oil should be thrown into the affected area
It relieves pain
Apricot kernel has anti-inflammatory properties and helps reduce pain and treat arthritis and rheumatism

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Apricot kernel oil contains high amounts of vitamin B17, which is useful for the prevention and treatment of bone cancer, cervical cancer and skin cancer
Vitamin B17 in apricot kernels lowers high blood pressure
Apricot kernel oil is useful in treating ear pain
Defects of apricot kernel: The apricot kernel contains high amounts of amygdalin, and excessive consumption of it causes poisoning and death, and it is said that eating 30 apricot kernels is enough to kill a person
Dried apricot properties Dried apricots contain high amounts of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are essential for a child’s development
The fiber present in apricot leaves is useful in treating constipation in infants and children
Dried apricots contain high amounts of pectin and cellulose, two natural laxatives that help treat constipation
Dried apricots or apricot leaves are obtained by drying apricot fruits
Dried apricot kernels contain high levels of calcium, potassium, phosphorous, vitamin A, iron, and vitamin C
Research from the University of Maryland Medical Center shows that the antioxidant vitamin E in apricot kernels lowers blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes
Apricot leaves or dried apricots contain high amounts of fiber that reduces appetite and helps in weight loss and weight loss, and dried apricot leaves help in treating infertility, postpartum bleeding, cramping during pregnancy and vaginal infections, and apricot leaves increase breast milk in nursing mothers

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Water in which dried apricots are soaked is useful in treating itching, sunburn, eczema, skin infections, acne, pimples, and cleaning facial skin
The properties of apricots for infants and children According to a study, the high levels of magnesium and potassium in apricots promote overall brain development and memory in infants and children
The large amounts of cellulose and pectin fibers in apricots improve digestion and help treat constipation in infants and children
Apricots are an excellent source of iron and can be a good treatment for anemia in infants and children
Apricots are a rich source of Vitamin A along with carotenoids and xanthophylls that are essential for maintaining eye health in infants and children
Apricot oil is a rich source of vitamins A, E and oleic acid, which improve sensitive skin in infants
Note that you can add fresh and dried apricots to your baby’s diet from the age of 6 months
Apricot properties for skin Apricots contain large amounts of vitamins A and C, which have anti-inflammatory properties and help treat acne and pimples, so it is preferable to mix three apricots and put the resulting paste on your skin, leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse it off
well with cold water
Vitamin A and C in apricots is known as a natural moisturizer
Apricots because of their essential fatty acids and vitamin A leads to better skin hydration and is effective in treating dry skin
Vitamin A and E in apricots help reduce wrinkles and rejuvenate facial skin
You can use apricot kernel oil for this purpose
your skin to maintain the freshness of your skin

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Corona properties of apricots Apricots are rich in antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals, and the large amounts of vitamins A and C present in apricots strengthen the immune system, and for coronary heart disease our immune system must be strong
Apricot properties for bodybuilding The potassium in Qaisi helps improve metabolism as well as the function of organs and tissues
This nutrient is important for normal body growth and muscle building as well as regulating the amount of acid in the body; Because it is effective in protein synthesis
Properties of apricots for kidney stones About the consumption of apricot leaves and their effect on kidney stones, something has been found with a scientific source
It is not recommended to eat large amounts of apricots for people who have a history of kidney stones and all of them are kidney stones due to the low amount of oxalate
The properties of apricots for the liver Research shows that apricot fruit increases liver activity and prevents liver diseases such as fatty liver
The properties of apricots during pregnancy and lactation Fresh apricots contain high amounts of vitamins A, C, and E as well as minerals such as phosphorous, silicon, calcium, iron and potassium that provide the nutrients that a pregnant woman needs

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High levels of iron and copper in apricots to prevent anemia during pregnancy and to prevent birth defects in the fetus is beneficial
Apricots are effective in maintaining blood sugar levels
By keeping your blood sugar levels balanced and normal, you will suffer less from gestational diabetes during pregnancy
Apricots can increase prolactin levels
Prolactin is a hormone produced in the body by milk
During and after pregnancy, the hormonal balance in the mother’s body is lost
Dried apricots contain special chemicals that balance this level of hormones in the body
Apricots are a rich source of calcium and fiber and help increase breast milk
Apricots contain a lot of vitamin C and other vitamins and are also beneficial for the baby
Properties of apricots and seeds Apricots are among the most famous fruits whose pulp contains a kernel, similar to an almond, which can be eaten by breaking the kernel
Apricot kernels are often delicious, but they can sometimes have a bitter taste
The nature of apricot kernels is warm and dry, apricot kernels have anti-inflammatory properties and help reduce pain and treat arthritis and rheumatism, vitamin B17 present in apricot kernels reduces high blood pressure, apricot kernel oil is useful in treating ear pain
Apricot fruit and its sweet essence with vitamin C can prevent bleeding gums, eliminate developmental disorders in children, and strengthen the body
Apricot kernels contain amygdalin, which can cause cyanide poisoning
The properties of the apricot kernel have not only been proven during pregnancy and lactation; Instead, it is recommended that pregnant and breastfeeding women refrain from eating apricot kernels during this period
The properties of the apricot kernel have not yet been proven for children and it is best to avoid consuming too much of it

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Consuming up to 5 of this substance may not be a problem for adults, but it is better for children to avoid eating apricot kernels due to the formation of cyanide-like substances in the body
The apricot kernel contains large amounts of amygdalin, and excessive consumption of it causes poisoning and death
It is said that eating 30 apricots is enough to kill a human being
The properties of apricots and peaches Fresh apricots contain high amounts of vitamins A, C and E as well as minerals such as phosphorous, silicon, calcium, iron and potassium that provide the nutrients that a pregnant woman needs
High levels of iron and copper in apricots to prevent anemia during pregnancy and to prevent birth defects in the fetus is beneficial
It can easily excrete stomach acids and bile
Soaked apricot leaves can stop and eliminate diarrhea
Apricot leaves are useful in relieving earache and you can put them in your ear
It also removes sounds that can be heard in the ear and can relieve and treat severe hearing loss
Apricot kernel oil softens the skin
Crush the peach and put it as a substance to remove heartburn and expel intestinal worms on his stomach
Mix peach leaves and parsley with olive oil and apply to the burn and bruise
A decoction of peach bark has an antipyretic effect
Eating peaches removes toxins from the body
Eat peaches to lose weight
People with stomach ulcers or people with gastritis or enteritis should eat peaches on an empty stomach
Peaches expel urea and uric acid, especially peach leaves in winter
Properties of apricot and honey Apricots are rich in beta-carotene, which also helps treat fever
To relieve a fever, soak the apricots and eat them
Then drink warm water and honey after that to get rid of fever, apricot mask softens the skin of the face and neck

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To remove facial wrinkles, mix fresh apricot juice with a little milk and honey and massage it into your skin
Of course, before doing this, wash the skin with herbal soap
Apricot kernels contain toxins, but if eaten with honey it is an energy bomb, but excessive consumption can cause severe poisoning
Apricot kernels contain high amounts of amygdalin and excessive consumption can cause poisoning and death, and it is said that eating 30 apricot kernels is enough to kill a human being
Apricot properties and diabetes Due to the presence of fiber and vitamin A in apricots, this fruit can be effective in treating diabetes
Dried apricots have a low glycemic index but are effective in controlling diabetes
Properties of apricot and cherry This ripe, juicy and sweet fruit is a complete food and can be eaten alone instead of lunch and provides the necessary substances for the body
It helps keep the body hydrated and prevents heat from overpowering the body in the summer
It prevents constipation in the elderly, children and people with weak stomachs, it is preferable to eat it dry apricot leaves
If it is well digested, it opens up blockages and eliminates bad breath
Cherries pass through the stomach quickly and are laxative and are also used to treat diarrhea, especially dysentery
The high potassium of cherries helps regulate heart rate and blood pressure and reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure, so one of the most important properties of cherries is to regulate and lower blood pressure
The components in cherries help in strengthening mental powers, strengthening memory, and preventing Alzheimer’s disease in old age
Traditional healers consider cherries to be a kind of tranquilizer and recommend their use to patients with nerves

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Cherries are a rich source of fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants
Consumption of cherries is useful in maintaining the freshness and freshness of the skin, and prevents skin wrinkles
Helping to treat gout is one of the properties of cherries in traditional medicine
Cherries are a rich source of sodium, phosphorous, magnesium and potassium
Apricot with yogurt According to a nutritionist, eating at the same time can be fatal in some cases or prevent you from getting the perfect foods
Never deprive yourself of the foods with the greatest nutritional value
Also, some foods, if eaten together, cause problems and lose their nutritional value and should be avoided; For example, eating honey with watermelon and apricots with yogurt can cause death
Apricot for dogs If we want to answer this question in one word, I have to say yes and no! Because the flesh of the fruit is not dangerous for them and they can eat it in moderation
But apricot kernels, stems, and leaves are poisonous and dangerous to dogs
So if you have an apricot tree in your garden or yard, you should be careful not to eat apricots for a while; Because it may eat the fruit, kernels, leaves and stems and get into trouble
When purchasing this fruit, do not leave the fruit container available to the dog and only give it to the fruit under your supervision
Apricot for colds Vitamin E in apricots acts as an antioxidant and fights free radicals
This process increases immunity and prevents problems such as colds and flu
Apricots are rich in beta-carotene, which also helps treat fever

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To relieve a fever, soak the apricots and eat them
Then drink warm water and honey to relieve fever
Apricot leaves are rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and is useful in the prevention and treatment of colds, asthma, tuberculosis and bronchitis
Apricots for stomach ulcers, constipation and diarrhea Apricots are known as a natural remedy for constipation due to the presence of fiber in them
In addition, apricots are known as a natural laxative that is very suitable for those who suffer from frequent constipation, so they move around and thus exit the body more easily
In addition, the fiber in apricots stimulates the digestive system, and by creating more movement in the digestive system, the banter is better
In addition, the fiber in apricots increases the production of gastric juice, which in turn makes the nutrients in the stomach easier and the body absorbs them faster
The first mentioned benefit of sweet apricot fruits in the health sector is especially for the digestive system
The soluble fiber in apricots improves bowel movement, which leads to better defecation
In addition, it breaks down fatty acids quickly which improves digestion
The fiber contained in apricots treats constipation and bloating, and apricot leaves can cut and eliminate diarrhea by inhaling them, and unripe apricots are harmful to the stomach, especially those who suffer from stomach or duodenal ulcers

Dried apricot effect

Dried apricots, like all other dried fruits, have many positive effects
The high amount of antioxidants and potassium in apricots lowers blood pressure, and because it contains a high percentage of potassium, apricots regulate blood pressure and clean the blood of impurities and plaques

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It also regulates blood pressure due to the presence of potassium in apricot leaves
Apricot and Laban Apricot mask softens the skin of the face and neck
To remove facial wrinkles, mix fresh apricot juice with a little milk and honey and massage it into your skin
Of course, before doing this, wash the skin with herbal soap
Heart properties of apricot Apricots are high in vitamin C and lycopene, which reduces bad cholesterol and thus reduces the risk of heart attacks and cardiovascular disease
The properties of fasting apricot Eating apricots on an empty stomach, eating them immediately after a meal, as well as drinking water after that are very harmful
puffed apricot Those who suffer from severe bloating and gastroesophageal reflux disease, prefer to use dried apricots instead of fresh leaves
Properties of apricots for obesity Dried apricots are high in calories and excessive consumption of apricot leaves leads to fattening
People with anemia can use apricots to treat anemia because apricots improve production and blood flow
Apricots contain small amounts of copper, which promotes better absorption of iron, and prolonged consumption of this fruit helps to produce hemoglobin in the blood

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The properties of apricots for weight loss and slimming As mentioned, this fruit is low in calories and suitable for weight loss
One hundred grams of apricot contains 45 calories
The insoluble fiber in this fruit makes you feel full for a long time
Anti-cancer properties This fruit is rich in antioxidants that fight and destroy free radicals in the body
Vitamins A and C present in apricots have anti-cancer properties and strengthen the immune system
Apricots to improve eyesight Apricots are very effective in reducing eye and vision diseases because they contain vitamins A and C, as well as carotenoids
The properties of apricots to strengthen the bones Apricots contain nutrients for bone growth
Eating apricots regularly promotes bone growth and prevents osteoporosis
The anti-inflammatory properties of apricots reduce inflammation in the body and help treat gout
Apricot damage Eating large amounts of apricots may cause dizziness during pregnancy
You may even suffer from a headache
Eating unripe apricots may cause stomach upset and problems in pregnant women
Eating a lot of apricots can affect the nervous system of a pregnant woman and can be very upsetting for a pregnant woman
Apricots may cause allergic reactions
Apricots contain sulfur dioxide and may cause allergic reactions in women sensitive to sulfur
Apricot fruit contains amygdalin, a chemical that may irritate your system
Consumption of apricots is beneficial for children unless it is overused
Little is known about the side effects of apricots for diabetes
Excessive consumption of apricots is not recommended for those who have a history of kidney stones, all of whom are stones due to the low amount of oxalate, and there is no evidence of harmful apricots in breastfeeding

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Apricot kernels contain high amounts of amygdalin and excessive consumption of it causes poisoning and death, and it is said that eating 30 apricot kernels is enough to kill a person
Do not eat apricots after heavy meals and after taking them with cold water
Drink it because this will cause the stomach to ferment quickly, causing gas and bloating
People who are very thirsty and feel high in their stomachs, as well as those who have a lot of smoke movements in their stomachs, should not avoid eating apricots
If taken in an uninitiated manner, it quickly stinks in the stomach and causes bloating, belching, and infectious fever
If the moisture in the stomach is abnormal or weak, its consumption is harmless and can increase reflux, bloating and runny mouth
Eating apricots on an empty stomach, eating them immediately after a meal, as well as drinking water after that are very harmful
Those who are allergic to sulfur should be careful in eating this fruit
Sulfur and sulfites are found in abundance in the leaves of this fruit and cause asthma
Consuming bitter apricot kernels due to amygdalin can cause poisoning in people
In the stomach, it quickly stinks, rots and causes bloating, causing sour belching and infectious fever
Dried apricots are better than fresh apricots and have fewer side effects, and can cause allergic reactions and allergies in some people
Dried apricot kernels contain sulfites, and excessive consumption of apricot kernels can exacerbate asthma attacks
Dried apricots are high in calories and excessive consumption of apricot leaves leads to fattening

Frozen dried apricot

Frozen fruits can be stored for a long time, which may be why fresh fruits such as apricot as well as dried apricots are frozen today
You’ve probably heard the phrase “eat more fruits and vegetables
” This sentence is one of the most common recommendations we hear for a very healthy body
But when it comes to eating more fruit, we get different messages about which fruit is healthier

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Some say that fructose means that eating it is not as healthy as experts recommend
However, some people advise eating it because the sugar in it is natural and found in the tissues of the fruit
On the other hand, there is a wide range of fruit products that you can buy, including dried fruits and frozen dried fruits; So when it comes to healthy eating, the question is which fruit is better and how do these products compare
Ingredients in the fruit The idea that fruit is healthy for you largely depends on the fact that many fruits are low in calories and rich in nutrients
The nutrients in fruit include vitamins, minerals, fiber, and bioactive compounds known as polyphenols and carotenoids
The fruit also contains sugar, the amount of which can vary
Some, such as blueberries and blackberries, are low in sugar
But some tropical fruits contain high levels of sugar
These fruits include mango (14%) and “desert bread” or “jackfruit” (19%)
The type of sugar in fruit also varies depending on the type of fruit and how ripe it is
In general, the most common sugar in fruit is fructose, which makes up 40 to 55 percent of most fruits
Sucrose or the usual sugar we use at the table is also included
While some people may say fructose is worse than other sugars, there is little evidence for this
frozen fruit In general, freezing is a better way to preserve nutrients compared to other methods, such as canning and refrigeration
On the other hand, thawing fruit ice should not result in a significant loss of nutrients in the fruit
dried fruit Dehydration (loss of water) leads to a buildup of fructose
For example, apricot sugar rises from 9
5% in the fresh state to 54
2% in the dry state

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This is why dried fruits are described as “sugar bombs
” However, the World Health Organization does not classify dried fruits as elements that we should limit in our diet
Dried fruits also contain six times more energy than fresh fruit; So if you want to take care of your weight, be sure to pay attention to the number of dried fruits you eat
But that’s not all about dried fruits
Dried fruits also have positive effects
Drying the fruit increases the level of some vitamins and minerals in it
This means that eating 30 grams of dried apricots can be more than 5% of the recommended amount of iron
Now, if you want to get the same amount of minerals from fresh apricots, you should consume 175 grams of fresh apricots
Given all this, try to eat more fruits
If you choose dried fruits, then you should know that these products contain more sugar than fresh ones; However, some of them contain more vitamins and minerals

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