Fresh Golden Kiwi Price

Fresh golden kiwi is a small fruit with a brown color that has small hairs on its skin and the green color of its inner texture is also very beautiful.

This production group, taking into account customer satisfaction, has produced and exported fresh golden kiwi with the best quality at very reasonable prices to various countries, including China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, UAE, Kuwait, Germany and Netherlands, and is ready to export more products to other countries.

Fresh Golden Kiwi Price

Is Golden Kiwi Better than Normal Kiwi?

Is Golden Kiwi Better than Normal Kiwi? In appearance, there is a relatively significant difference between green and golden kiwi. Green kiwi has a fluffy skin and is oval in shape. In contrast to golden kiwi, its skin is smooth and hairless and its skin color is golden brown. Halving this fruit will introduce us to more differences. Green Kiwi As expected, it has green flesh with black seeds. Golden kiwi flesh is bright yellow with smaller and fewer grains.

Golden kiwi has a milder and sweeter taste than green kiwi due to its high fructose content. Golden kiwi is six times sweeter than white sugar and because it is a natural sugar, it has very little effect on blood sugar and can be consumed safely. The texture of green kiwi is slightly rougher than that of yellow kiwi, and it tastes like a mixture of sweet and sour, with less fructose than golden kiwi.

Golden kiwis that can be bought from local markets are all exported from New Zealand. For this reason, it may be a little more expensive than other fruits.

How Do You Know If Golden Kiwi Is Ripe?

How Do You Know If Golden Kiwi Is Ripe? Ripe kiwi is unique in terms of appearance and taste and has a sweet and delicious taste. Kiwi is a rich source of vitamin C and has a higher amount of vitamin C than oranges. Kiwi contains 2 times more vitamin C than oranges, 6 times more than sour lemons and 88 times more nutrients than apples. Kiwi also contains vitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, B3 and other B vitamins. Kiwi is a very low calorie fruit. There are 477 calories in 100 grams of kiwi. And in terms of calories, apricots and tangerines are the same. It has more potassium than bananas. It is also very high in magnesium and reduces the risk of some cancers and heart disease. It also contains copper, iron and phosphorus. Kiwi is a fruit that has high nutrients and a very low calorie content, so it can be considered a very useful fruit.

As we have said, kiwi fruit has different types, of which Hayward is one of the best, and for this reason, many efforts have been made to produce other colors of this species, of which gold is one. This fruit is very popular in sales markets due to its sweetness and attractive and beautiful color, and it has many nutrients. Also, its soft skin and bronze color and its golden flesh make it more valuable than green kiwi.

Kiwi has minerals and a variety of vitamins needed by the body and therefore has many therapeutic and medicinal properties. Among the properties of this fruit, the following can be mentioned:

  • Reduce triglycerides
  • decrease in blood concentration
  • Prevent narrowing of arteries and all kinds of strokes
  • strong anti-cancer properties
  • Preserve vision cells
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Reduce blood pressure
  • weight loss

Golden kiwi benefits are very high and help treat anemia and digestive problems.

the Market of Fresh Golden Kiwi

 the Market of Fresh Golden Kiwi Wholesale quality sungold kiwi is sold in simple and mixed types, and of course in bulk and packaged in the markets of different cities of the country, and due to the significant acceptance of the quality of Iranian dried fruit, there is also a field for trade.

After producing a new product, expanding and selling it in the markets of different cities requires the passage of time, and the more powerful and planned the discussion of advertising and marketing, the shorter this time becomes.

This collection is a supplier of high quality fresh golden kiwi that have high quality and low price and provide consumers with the best type of packaging and completely hygienic.

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